Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Love = Putting Others First

We have said several times that our goal in youth group is for each one of us to become more like Jesus Christ. Obviously, that means we all need to listen to God's Word and obey it. However, we have said before that our goal is for each one of us to become more like Jesus Christ. That introduces another dimension— we need to help each other toward that goal.
With that in mind, the Bible clearly teaches that we ought to love each other. If we love something, we will choose that over another. If we love each other, we will put others ahead of ourselves. We will be thinking of each other more than we think about ourselves and what we want. Romans 12:10 says, "Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another." We are commanded to be kind and loving toward each other as brothers and sisters in Christ. In order to do this, we must "prefer one another" or "put others first."
Think about our youth group meetings: we only get together once a week for a little more than an hour. How do you view that time? Is it a chance for you to do what you want? If this is your attitude, you might complain if you think an activity is silly or, in your opinion, boring. If youth group is all about you, then you might spend the time talking to your friends instead of listening. How is that putting others first? How is that helping them be more like Jesus Christ?
Is youth group an opportunity to relax and catch a few winks? Perhaps you are tired after a long day at school. What is the loving thing to do? How could you put others first? Does it encourage others and help them be more like Jesus Christ if you sit with your arms folded, slouched down, and not say a word? One of the ways that we can encourage others is to participate in praises and prayer requests, to sing out, and to talk with each other afterwards. If we ignore members of our youth group, how are we helping them become more like Jesus Christ? Those of you who have been in youth group for a few years, you should take the initiative to talk to the younger ones, encourage them to be a part, and provide a good example for them to follow. These are just a few ways that we can demonstrate godly love for each other.


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