Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall. . . .
“As in water face answereth to face,
so the heart of man to man” (Prov 27:19).
so the heart of man to man” (Prov 27:19).

Just as you can look into smooth water or a mirror and see a reflection of your face, so your heart attitudes reflect who you really are. When we talk about the heart, we aren’t referring to the organ that pumps blood, but the seat of our thoughts, feelings, and emotions. What you think and feel reveals who you really are.
It’s easy to hide your true thoughts and feelings. You may say nice things to others but inwardly be filled with malice and hatred toward them. You may look nice and dress appropriately, but still be rebellious and disobedient in your heart. You may keep your body pure but allow your mind and heart to be corrupted with lust and filthiness. You may always do the right thing but do it simply to make others like you. You may say the right things with your mouth but be thinking vile and unkind things in your heart. It’s actually quite easy to hide who you really are.
But deep down, what is your heart like? You may convince yourself that you are a good person because you are a teacher’s pet, friends like you, and your parents brag about you. Don’t be fooled: “as he thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Prov 23:7). Address heart issues in your life, not just outward appearances.
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