Who Else Can Say That?
“The same was in the beginning with God.
All things were made by Him;
and without Him was not any thing made that was made.”
John 1:2–3
All things were made by Him;
and without Him was not any thing made that was made.”
John 1:2–3
John wants to make a point: he wants to demonstrate that Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah, God’s Son, and we must believe on Him (John 20:31). He begins his gospel by stating that Jesus (“the Word”) has always existed as God.
Furthermore, as he tells us in verses two and three, Jesus created the universe. Not only is Jesus God, but He created all things. Everything we see and know in the universe around us came from Jesus’ creative power. He spoke the word and the world came into being.
We might wonder, “But I thought it was God who created the universe; is John saying that Jesus is God?” John’s reply would be, “My point exactly.” When God called light and darkness into being on the first day of creation, Jesus was there. Jesus always was with God—He did not come into existence that night in Bethlehem.Not only does John claim that Jesus is God and that He created the universe, he goes one step further: everything in the universe owes its very existence to Jesus Christ. You and I do not have the option of ignoring this Man Jesus of Nazareth, because each one of us was created by Him! Our very existence is proof of His deity!
What person in all the world could make the claim that he created all things? That would be ridiculous! The only way a person could have created the universe would be if He existed before the world began. And that is exactly what John says (and Jesus, too!). Jesus of Nazareth is not just a good man or a prophet—He is God’s Son, who eternally existed as God and created the entire universe.
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