They Didn’t Even Know
“In Him was life; and the life was the Light of men. And the Light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.”
John 1:4–5
Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah, God’s Son, and we must believe on Him (John 20:31). Jesus, “the Word,” has always existed as God, even before He created the universe. As Creator, He is the Source of Life. Every spark of life, whether plant, animal, or human being, finds its source in the Word.John 1:4–5

However, as John goes on to say, human beings have without exception refused and ignored the Light of Life. God’s Light, in the person of Jesus Christ, goes on shining brightly, beaming out into the darkness of man’s sin and ignorance, and man keeps on choosing darkness over God’s Light.
Man uses the intelligence God has given him to invent ways to sin, he takes the wonderful body God has created and abuses it for his own pleasure, and he implements the talents God has given him to sinful and selfish ends. Man enjoys the life God has bestowed on him, but refuses to acknowledge the Light of God, Jesus Christ. He continues stumbling and groping through the darkness as if it didn’t even exist. God’s Son, Jesus Christ, came to men as God’s Word, communicating God’s life and light to men, but they continued on in the darkness—they didn’t even stop to look.
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