The Light of the World
“That was the true Light,
which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.”
John 1:9
which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.”
John 1:9

Now John gets to his point: Jesus is the True Light of the World. He brings light to every human being in the world. John already said that Jesus is the “Light of Life” who, as Creator, gives and maintains the life of every human (John 1:4). But this is more than just being the Creator of Life—John says that Jesus came as the Redeemer of Life.
God created Adam and Eve without sin, but they chose to disobey God, rebelling and plunging the entire human race into sin. Every human being since Adam was born a sinner, with the result that he committed sinful acts, attitudes, and thoughts. While he enjoyed physical life as a gift from God, he was separated from God—spiritually dead. But God sent His own Son to earth (the Son who created every living thing!) to bring spiritual life to His creation. Jesus came into the world to redeem fallen man and give him spiritual life.
This is what John means when he says that Jesus is the True Light. The light comes into the world to dispel the darkness of sin and death. Jesus came not to be praised and acclaimed and followed, but to do battle against the darkness of sin and death. He was the Light of the World, making it possible for man to enjoy spiritual life, rightly related with his Creator once more.
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